President’s Update: BC Nurses host Canadian nurses and take an active role in CNA Biennium, by Susan Duncan RN

It is my privilege and pride to write my first blogpost as ARNBC President.  I hope all B.C. nurses have heard the strong praise and congratulations that have been received from nurses across Canada for our co-hosting of the 2012 CNA Biennium Convention.  The Convention was  an enormous success and an appropriate place to recognize and celebrate 100 years of our professional nursing association in B.C. We shared a sense of… Read More »President’s Update: BC Nurses host Canadian nurses and take an active role in CNA Biennium, by Susan Duncan RN

Nurses Are Essential if B.C. Hopes to "Get it Right for Seniors", by Jennifer Baumbusch RN

176 – that’s the number of recommendations in the landmark report The Best of Care: Getting it Right for Seniors in British Columbia by the BC Ombudsperson. The report followed three years of wide-ranging consultation with stakeholders throughout the province. It touches upon all aspects of Seniors Care, from community-based home care to Assisted Living and long-term residential care. The report acknowledges the complexities involved in providing comprehensive, high quality… Read More »Nurses Are Essential if B.C. Hopes to "Get it Right for Seniors", by Jennifer Baumbusch RN

Oncology Nurses Flash (mob) the Country, by Jennifer Stephens RN

On April 3rd, oncology nurses across Canada took to the streets and hospital lobbies in honor of national Oncology Nursing Day (OND). First established in 2004 by the Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology/ Association canadienne des infirmières en oncologie (CANO/ACIO) to complement Cancer Month, OND has grown into an event worthy of political recognition and widespread media attention. This year, eight provinces and fifteen cities issued official government proclamations… Read More »Oncology Nurses Flash (mob) the Country, by Jennifer Stephens RN

Honouring 45 of the Province’s Best, by Sally Thorne RN

For any nurses who have never had the opportunity to attend a provincial nursing awards event, you might want to try to work that into your  travel plans for a future year. Once again, hundreds of nurses gathered (April 19th) to recognize and acknowledge some of the incredible contributions made by their colleagues to nursing practice, administration, education, research and advocacy. As each citation was read aloud and the visual… Read More »Honouring 45 of the Province’s Best, by Sally Thorne RN

Consultations Gain Momentum Across B.C.

We have just finished our fifth week of consultations, and have been inspired to meet with nurses across B.C.  By the time we wrap up these consultations, we will have met with nurses from every specialty in every part of the province. One thing we have heard from nurses over and over is how much they value having an opportunity to get together and talk about the future of the… Read More »Consultations Gain Momentum Across B.C.

Legalizing Marijuana: The Importance of Nursing Knowledge to Inform Drug Policy, by Bernie Pauly RN

In the Vancouver Sun on March 28th, 2012, there was an announcement that Dr. Perry Kendall, B.C.'s Provincial Health Officer, has joined other provincial, national and international experts arguing for the decriminalization of marijuana (http://tinyurl.com/6rromxw). This is good news. The harms of drug use are exacerbated by current drug policy, which focuses on the criminalization of people who use illegal drugs.  In particular, current drug policy impacts those who are… Read More »Legalizing Marijuana: The Importance of Nursing Knowledge to Inform Drug Policy, by Bernie Pauly RN

We the nurses... by Wendy Bowles NP

Recently I met a young nursing student and was asked to give her one piece of salient information with regards to becoming a nurse.

Nursing is a profession, though occasionally it does not feel like it. We obtain a specialized body of knowledge, we make a commitment to the provision of that knowledge, we promise to uphold what that specialized body of knowledge requires of us without causing harm to others and we accept all the associated responsibilities. But somehow the reality of a profession often gets lost along the way. Read More »We the nurses... by Wendy Bowles NP

Take Part in ARNBC’s Province-Wide Consultations, by Barb Reece RN

Beginning the week of February 19th, 2012, ARNBC will set out to consult with as many nurses as possible across the province.  This is your opportunity to join a face-to-face meeting in your area, participate in a videoconference, or send your ideas and thoughts to our dedicated consultations website.  Now is the time for RNs across B.C. to come together and share your ideas of what you’d like the ARNBC to do and be.  How can we help you?  Your voice is our strength! 

Read More »Take Part in ARNBC’s Province-Wide Consultations, by Barb Reece RN